In 2021, we put our own process into practice and started the beginnings of our Earth forest. Based in Northern France, in the Luthany forest we purchased 200 trees – and it’s continually growing.

Why a forest? These trees encourage biodiversity and create a carbon sink – between 10kg and 30kg of carbon every year.

Every year as we grow our forest grows and so does the growth in our Carbon sequestering ability. We’ve committed to a minimum of 1200 trees by 2024 – because our vision for the future keeps getting bigger.

Sinking carbon isn’t just a choice – it’s a business vision, that we integrate into every part of what we do. We don’t just care about our own direct emissions, we are tracking our full range of impacts. We are already capturing our full range of on-site and energy/heat-related Scope 1 and 2 emissions, and we are working towards sinking all of our Scope 3 emissions from commuting to visiting our clients.

Our carbon-sinking journey starts in our office and stretches all the way to our Earth forest. The trees we protect absorb around 4000kg of CO2 every year.